
Chambersburg Senior Portrait Photographer: Amanda at Wilson

While Amanda is known for being a fierce athletic competitor, especially on the varsity volleyball court, during her senior portraits she wanted me to capture her natural, relaxed, “girly” side.
Amanda has a positive, bubbly personality and was interested in exploring the grounds of Wilson college together during her senior portrait session… we found a rose garden, pasture with horses and other interesting spots that all added to that free-spirited, feminine feel that Amanda is drawn to.  Here she is just sitting in grass, but wow does that green make her eyes stand out… Amanda you are so pretty!
Two of Amanda’s hobbies are sketching and playing the drums, she also loves jewelry, so these images fit in a little of all three of those elements 🙂
I love hats!  Amanda mentioned having a big floppy hat and wearing it to the beach over the summer.  She brought it along incase we were able to work it in.  I think she looks absolutely adorable!  It was hard to choose between the black and white and color version, so I went with a timeless black and white looks…
As Amanda walked through campus with me, I noticed the bounce in her step (and curls) as well as the flow of her dress, both were so pretty and feminine that I sought out to capture them through having her give a little twirl– here is the result…
Amanda, it was such a pleasure working with you and I wish you all the best in your senior year!

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