
Chambersburg Senior Portrait Photographer: Emma and her Books

To say that Emma loves books is a huge understatement.  She works at a library and spends most of her time curled up at home with a good book (and her cats) or at Northwood Books, an independent bookstore (the location of her shoot).  She loves history, classic literature and theatre.  Emma is a free thinker and an interesting combination of compassionate and sarcastic, introverted and confident… it’s difficult to explain, but those who have the privilege of knowing her well will know exactly what I’m try to describe.
Since Emma loves classic literature, Jane Austen included, peeking over the classic, Emma, was so perfect for her– and those eyes, gorgeous!!!!
This image is one of my favorites, Emma can be bold and dynamic or soft spoken and mysterious– this image shows both.  You also get a sense of her classic beauty and the depth of her personality.  When her parents saw this image they both agreed “This is so Emma!”  I also love that she is holding a book and that there are stacks of books in the background.  😉
(Above) Northwood Books is an incredibly interesting place, filled with antique furniture, wooden sailboats, tiffany lamps and of course stacks and stacks of books.  (Below) Emma is a library paige and has become quite adept at balancing books on her head, which is incredibly quirky, clever and just plain Emma.  Here she has two of her favorite books from the Harry Potter series.  The colors of the bookstore and the lighting remind me of the cover art used in the harry Potter books.  “After all this time?  Always.”
The power of a book–  There is something almost magical about books and words…
“A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called “leaves”) imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time ― proof that humans can work magic.”– Carl Sagan
Emma is reading Act II Scene II from Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.”  While she read her hair was swept up as if it were done by the power of the book itself.
We finished Emma’s photo session at her parent’s home.  She took a ride on the rope swing that her grandfather made for her as a little girl and sat on the window seat next to her cat, Hobbes.

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